
Part of the 合规 和 Records Management subdivision, we conduct compliance risk assessments of University business operations in cooperation with risk owners, who are responsible for controlling, communicating 和 monitoring compliance risks.

In addition to ensuring legal requirements are followed, we manage several University policies related to ethical behavior 和 corporate governance.

staff presentation

我们的 Role in Risk Assessments

We work with University departments' 合规 Liaisons to identify laws 和 regulations that impact their units' operations. 我们的 合规 Analyst helps units identify, develop 和 implement controls to ensure compliance with applicable laws.

A compliance risk assessment:

  • Helps identify situations where the University may not be in full compliance with a law.
  • Documents procedures 和 controls (or the absence of procedures 和 controls) for complying with laws.
  • Allows the University to be more proactive. By ensuring compliance early on, we can reduce surprises 和 associated costs (such as regulatory fines or litigation) later.

合规 Liaisons' 联系s 和 Procedures


合规 Liaisons

合规 Liaison 联系 List provides the contact information for each unit’s 合规 Liaison.


Procedures 概述 for Liaisons

合规 Liaison 概述 document includes information about 合规 Liaisons' responsibilities 和 objectives.
