政策 & 维持援助资格

为了保持你获得经济援助的资格, 在ca88登录正确网址注册期间,您必须满足以下要求.

  • ca88登录正确网址要求
    • All financial aid funds for undergraduate students are available only to students enrolled in 学位课程 ,并 季度 类.
    • 学生必须保持 全日制招生 (12学分或以上),以保持有资格获得某些类型的援助, 包括宿舍补助金, the DU Educational Grant 和 the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG).
    • 佩尔助学金的数额是按比例分配给全日制学生的. Merit scholarships may be prorated for students enrolled less than full time during their 上学期 毕业前.
    • 学生必须保持至少 半场招生 (six credits or more) to use work-study 和 to receive the Colorado Student Grant or any direct loan.
    • 礼物的要求, 捐赠和私人奖学金将根据部门或捐赠者而有所不同. 有些奖项对GPA有最低要求. 联系 your department or your private scholarship provider for information on specific policies.
  • 转学生机构资助资格

    The amount of time transfer students are eligible to receive DU institutional financial aid (including merit scholarships) depends on the estimated time to degree completion from the point of initial enrollment, 这是基于我们收到最终成绩单时授予的转学分.

    ca88登录正确网址时转学分 学术地位 获得机构资助资格的年数
    0-44刻钟 一年级的学生 4年
    45-89刻钟 二年级学生 3年
    90-134刻钟 三年级学生 2年
    135+一刻钟 四年级的学生 1年

    Students who have exhausted their eligibility can submit an appeal to potentially receive institutional aid for additional 季度s. 请电邮至 finaid@helznguyen.com 了解更多信息.

  • 对双学位学生的启示
    • 大学生援助: 作为一名双学位学生, 在课程的前四年,你被认为是本科生, 你应该把你的 FAFSA 和 CSS档案 像这样. You're eligible to receive your undergraduate scholarships 和 grants for those four years as well.
      • 机构的援助: 财政援助办公室预计是第一次, first-year undergraduate students to be eligible for consideration for institutional merit or need-based undergraduate financial aid for a maximum of four academic years from the point of initial enrollment (excluding summer 和 interterm periods) or until the student earns the bachelor's degree, 先到者为准. For institutional aid eligibility for dual degree students the university defines four academic years as up to 12 季度s of fall, 冬天, 春季ca88登录正确网址. 在一个季度内获得任何学分的学生都被视为ca88登录正确网址. 如果学生没有在一个或多个已注册宿舍获得资助, 12个季度的援助资格时间表仍在继续.
      • 联邦援助: 用于联邦援助目的, dual degree students automatically become graduate students in the next enrollment period after attaining 198 hours of earned or accepted credit. Any dual degree student who has completed their undergraduate degree requirements is considered a graduate student regardless of the number of 季度s of prior enrollment.


    • 毕业的援助: Students enrolled in dual 学位课程 are considered graduate students for federal financial aid purposes after attaining 198 credit hours, 即使学生没有达到本科学位要求. Federal regulations do not allow students in dual 学位课程 who complete four academic years (defined as 198 credit hours) to continue to receive undergraduate federal aid. Students in the law school dual degree program are aided as graduate students after 三个 undergraduate academic years (149 hours for federal aid purposes). You should file your FAFSA as a graduate student (no CSS档案 is needed) 和 contact your graduate program about any merit-based aid they have available. Federal loan eligibility will increase for most students because of the higher graduate student borrowing maximum.


    • 例外:
      • Students in the six-year bachelor/JD program with the Sturm College of Law are considered an undergraduate student during the first 三个 然后在第4-6学年被视为研究生.
      • Boettcher 和 Daniels Fund scholars who started at DU in the fall of 2021 or earlier are eligible to have their tuition covered through the fifth year of a dual-degree program. Scholars who started at DU in the fall of 2022 or later are not eligible to have their tuition covered beyond their fourth year.


    如果你有yzcca88游戏登录网址你的经济援助如何受到影响的具体问题,请 联络我们的办事处.

  • 留学项目的经济援助资格

    有关具体项目费用的更多信息, 留学预算和额外奖学金, 请浏览 国际教育 网站.


    学生有资格获得优秀学生奖学金, institutional need-based grants 和 federal 和 state aid (excluding work-study) to help pay for DU Partner 项目. 账单和经济援助的支付就像你在校园里一样发生, 不管你的课程开始日期是什么.

    If you're participating in a spring semester DU Partner Program (that overlaps 冬天 和 spring 季度s), you will be charged program costs for 冬天 季度 和 your aid will disburse as if you were attending DU 冬天 季度. Spring semester study abroad students may also receive a disbursement of the spring term aid (federal 和 state only) as if they are attending DU. 请 联络我们的办事处 讨论你的具体援助计划.

    yzcca88游戏登录网址系奖学金的重要说明: 部分院系奖学金不能用于支付留学费用. Be sure to check with our office 和/or department directly to see if your scholarship can be used for your study abroad program.

    使用 成本计划工作表 to help you calculate what you will be billed for study abroad 和 how that might be different from what you usually pay at DU.


    Institutional financial aid is not available for students attending an unaffiliated program. 只有联邦和州的援助(不包括勤工俭学)可以获得. 完成一个 联合体协议 为你的非附属项目申请经济资助. 你有资格获得的经济援助将由DU发放给你 在DU的付款时间表上. 然而,你有责任在到期日之前在你的寄宿学校支付账单.

    使用 成本计划工作表 帮助你计算出国留学的总费用.

  • 令人满意的学业进展

    Students must be making 令人满意的学业进展 to maintain eligibility for all types of aid. 这意味着:

    • 你必须保持累积平均绩点(CGPA) 2.00 (2.50(会计学学士).
    • 你必须完成并通过至少66分.6%的学生尝试了所有课程. 这就是你的累积完成率(CCR).
    • You must complete your degree within 150 percent of the minimum credits required to graduate. 这被称为最大时间框架(MTF)限制.


  • Title IV资金的返还(提款政策)

    ca88登录正确网址开始上课的学生, 申请经济资助, complete all requirements 和 then withdraw from 类 may have their financial aid adjusted according to federal, 国家和机构规定.



