
适当的保险可以确保你在旅行中遇到紧急情况时能得到保障. That is why DU is proud to offer all students, 教师, 和 工作人员 on international DU  travel, coverage under one comprehensive accident, 病, 紧急护理保险计划对他们来说是免费的,也不需要注册. Highlights of the plan are $0 deductible, no out-of-pocket expenses, 还有旅行保险的好处,比如行李丢失和旅行中断. This plan works in t和em with our 旅行援助 partner, Crisis24, so, there's only one number to remember for insurance 和 assistance. 所有援助服务和保险福利都是通过拨打我们的电话发起的 旅行援助 partner at +1 443-569-8601.


  • Who is eligible for coverage?

    所有注册教师, 工作人员, 以及在国际上进行du旅行的学生以及任何家属(i.e.、配偶、合法同居伴侣、随行的受抚养子女. 

  • What are the highlights of the plan?
    • Coverage for up to 365 days of travel abroad
    • Out of country medical for injury or 病: $500,000
    • 免赔额:$ 0
    • Mental nervous disorder: up to medical maximum
    • 牙科(仅适用于天然牙齿的损伤或疼痛缓解):$1,000
    • 安全, or natural disaster evacuation: $500,000
    • Emergency medical evacuation: 100% of expenses incurred
    • Repatriation of remains: 100% of actual expenses incurred
    • 行李延误:500美元 
    • Trip interruption: $5,000
    • 14-day sojourn travel before, during, or after DU-travel
    • Coverage of dependents traveling with a DU-traveler on DU-travel
    • Coordination with International ISO who provides medical referrals, 医疗监控, 索赔申请, 等.

    *Note: some of benefits (e.g.(行李延误)是在可报销的基础上支付的,并受某些条件的限制.

  • How do I use the plan if needed?

    Just call Crisis24 at +1 443-569-8601. 他们可以为您提供医疗转诊,然后监测进展,同时直接与治疗机构合作,管理所有账单和索赔.

  • Does this plan cover routine care?

    No. 本计划涵盖在单程旅行中发生的紧急和紧急事件. These occur suddenly 和 unexpectedly during travel abroad. 然而, 这可能是任何事情,从吃了新食物后的胃部不适到车祸后的住院治疗. The injury or illness must occur while on DU-travel.

  • Are there some types of illness or injury that are not covered?

    以下免责条款适用于旅行援助计划和保险政策. This is only a general overview. 具体的政策条款和适用法律(而不是本概述)适用于任何特定事件. 如果您在国外旅行期间在从事下列活动时受伤或需要帮助, 您将没有资格享受DU提供的旅行援助和保险资源的福利:

    • 跳伞, 悬挂式滑翔运动, 跳伞, 登山, 任何摩托化速度比赛, 蹦极, 速度竞赛, 洞穴探险或洞穴探险, 直升机滑雪, 或者极限滑雪, 水肺潜水, 激流漂流, 冲浪.
    • Participation in any war, invasion, revolution, or insurrection
    • 飞行员的驾驶或学习驾驶或作为任何飞机机组成员的
    • Commission or the attempt to commit a criminal act
    • Dental work of any kind on teeth other than sound, natural teeth (e.g., if the tooth has a filling, there is no coverage)
    • Any non-emergency treatment or surgery, routine physical examinations, 助听器, 眼镜, 或者隐形眼镜
  • Does this policy cover personal property?

    Traveler personal property is not covered by University insurance. 旅行者应确保房主或房客的保险涵盖个人财产, or purchase additional coverage appropriate to their needs 和 location. 除了, 例如,总是有可能出现大学保险不包括的索赔,这可能会给旅行者带来个人风险, activities outside the scope of duties as a University employee, violation of University policies 和 willful acts 和 crimes. 当涉及非大学活动时,个人房主和总括责任政策通常可以提供保护. Travelers should contact their personal insurer for specific details.

  • When is emergency evacuation triggered?

    当旅行者面临迫在眉睫的危险时,可能会触发紧急政治/安全/自然灾害撤离. Insured evacuation decisions are made at the discretion of our 旅行援助 partner,与保险公司、感兴趣的政府、旅游部门和旅行者协商. 仅仅因为旅行者感到不安全而想要离开并不是有掩护的撤离.

    当旅行者受伤或生病,无法在当前地点得到所需的治疗时,就会触发医疗后送. 这必须被指定为医疗上的必要,并包括运送到最近的能够提供适当护理的设施, not necessarily back to the U.S.

For a comprehensive list of FAQs, please see this document: 

Other Insurance Considerations

  • 人寿保险

    对于某些人寿保险计划,豁免可能适用于任何与美国有联系的国家或地区.S. Department of State Level 3 or 4 Travel Advisory or in war-torn areas. To ensure you have adequate coverage, travelers should contact their insurance carrier for specific details.

  • 工人的补偿

    只有在必要职责范围内工作并在国外旅行时受伤的大学员工才享有大学的工人赔偿保险. 然而, 该保险在雇员离开科罗拉多州6个月或更长时间后失效. 如果大学在六个月期限届满前向科罗拉多州提出申请,保险范围可以延长.

    根据科罗拉多州的法律, 参加实习的学生还享有学校的工伤保险, so long as the University sponsors the internship, 学生通过专业的校内教学和当地企业提供的在职培训相结合的方式进行教学, 机构或组织, or any governmental agency in cooperation with the University. This coverage is also subject to the six-month rule discussed above.

  • University Employee Coverages

    大学员工在国际旅行时也享有以下政策的保障, 包括要求雇员在从事与大学业务有关的活动时意外伤害他人;

    • Business travel accidental death 和 dismemberment – up to $50,000美元的保险和10美元,000美元的医疗费
    • 一般责任-最高100万美元的人身伤害和他人财产损失保险
    • 外国赔偿责任——对他人的人身伤害和财产损失最高可达200万美元
    • 超额责任-高达1亿美元的额外人身伤害和他人财产损失保险

