
Please take care to observe all University parking 和 traffic regulations when you drive on 和 around our campus.


  1. 每小时5英里 在车库停车场,除非另有标示.
  2. 每小时10英里 在地面停车场,除非另有标示.
  3. 每小时15英里 在所有校园街道,道路和车道上,除非另有规定.

行人有先行权 在任何时候.

在人行道、草坪、 & 非指定停车场为 禁止. Vehicle owners may be held liable for damage caused by driving or parking on or in a non-designated area.

The operator 和/or owner of any motor vehicle shall obey the instructions of all applicable traffic control devices.

No person shall interfere with any traffic or parking enforcement operation, 任何交通控制装置的操作, 无视任何官员的信号或指示, 篡改, 摧毁, 或破坏任何交通管制装置. 违规者将被处以罚款 和 University disciplinary action.

Intentional destruction of or damage to a University traffic control device is considered an act of v和alism 和 will result in both fines 和 disciplinary action.

All motor vehicles on University property shall be operated or parked in conformance with all 停车 & yzcca88游戏登录网址交通规则和条例, 丹佛市和科罗拉多州的所有法律.

No motor vehicle shall be operated in such a manner as to interfere with University operations or to disturb the peace 和 quality of life of the University community.

No person shall park or operate a motor vehicle on University property in such a manner as to cause damage to any University property or grounds.

The yzcca88游戏登录网址 reserves the right to remove motor vehicles from its property, 不另行通知, 原因包括, 但不限于, the following: (a) apparent ab和onment; (b) failure to display a valid or current license plate; (c) parking in such a way as to constitute a hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic or to the movement 和 operation of emergency equipment; (d) parking 特权 of the owner/operator having been revoked; (e) maintenance repairs to facilities; (f) unpaid violations; (g) the parking lot or area is designated an immediate tow-away zone. The owner 和/or operator will be responsible for all costs involved in the removal of such motor vehicle. The yzcca88游戏登录网址 will assume no responsibility for damages to any vehicle, 车辆损失, or any article left therein of vehicles that were ordered removed from University property.

The driver 和/or registered owner of a vehicle is responsible for any 和 all citations assigned to it.

有动力和无动力的休闲车包括, 但不限于, 滑板, 电动滑板, 滑板, 溜冰鞋, 和 inline skates shall not be operated in or on University parking lots or structures. These areas are meant for automotive 和 the use of these types of vehicles in such high density areas is not safe.

指定的停车场已标示在大学停车场地图上, ,可向泊车及流动事务署索龋. 停车 areas may be further restricted if so indicated by traffic control devices. The yzcca88游戏登录网址 reserves the right to change the configuration of designation of parking facilities at anytime without prior notice as well as to impose additional limitations on parking areas in emergency situations or on special occasions without prior notice.

No person shall park any motor vehicle on University property in any location other than an authorized 和 designated parking area that has been marked with traffic control devices (i.e. 标识). All motor vehicles must park within indicated boundaries of a designated parking stall. This means there must be visually painted lines (of a parking stall) on both sides of the motor vehicle. All areas that is not specifically marked for parking are considered "No 停车" areas. No motor vehicle is to be parked or driven in such a manner as to obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic. 大修(i).e. vehicle maintenance requiring longer than three hours) of motor vehicles on University property is 禁止. The driver or the registered owner of the vehicle is responsible for any damage or chemical spill cleanup.

No person shall store or park any motor vehicle or item on University parking facilities longer than 45 days (even if with a valid permit). 机动车发生机械故障时, the owner or driver will be responsible for its repair to operational status or its removal as soon as available services will permit. Motor vehicles that have been ab和oned will be towed 和 impounded at the owner's expense.


Persons whose business may require them to be on University property for extended periods, 使交付, 做维修, 执行工作, 等., must contact the department of 停车 和 移动服务 to make parking arrangements. 不这样做可能会导致收到引用. 所有供应商和承包商的停车通行证都需要收费.


伊利夫神学院 parking lots are managed 和 enforced by the yzcca88游戏登录网址 停车 和 移动服务.


Counterfeiting, altering or defacing yzcca88游戏登录网址 permits is strictly 禁止. 违规者将被处以罚款, denial or revocation of parking 特权 和 University disciplinary action.



停车 & 移动服务